Formation road network involved various construction activities which may involve deforestation which gives impact to the environment. Therefore road construction has indirectly affect environment in countless way and also increased the destruction of natural environment. As the environmental impacts of road construction activities become more apparent, green approach in road construction move forward and gaining its momentum. Green approach can be defined as a process of planning, design and constructing using technology and concept at low cost in minimizing environmental impacts on communities and natural habitat. But in the current road project, green approach is still new and sometimes practitioner does not taken this matter seriously. These problems will lead to the increasing of the pollution and resulting to environment degradation. Due to this scenario, this final project aims to identify the criteria of green road and to determine the challenges and barrier towards implementation of green approach in road construction. Apart from that, it will also aim to investigate the readiness and acceptability contractor toward green approach in road construction. The data for this study was obtained through set of questionnaire to targeted respondent and was analyzed by using SPSS software. From the study, it was found that green approach in road construction is being accepted and widely understood by majority main player in construction industry but the implementation is not being widely carried out.  From the analysis that has been carried out, the result reveals that the government should strategies on improving the implementation of green approach. 

* ni da final touch up yg cincai2 je ... gedik2 nk post :p


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